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- April 4, 2023
- Sama
More Information
The fans of these series are suitable for sucking even very dusty air and they are mainly used for pneumatic conveying, for the combustion air in burners, in cement factories, in foundries, in mills, in pasta and noodles plants, in textile industries and in general when it is requested to convoy air with high pressure. The particular shape of the impeller with reversed blades assures a high efficiency. In the standard execution, the temperature of the sucked fluid must not exceed 80°C.
- Scroll made in beaded and welded sheet steel, impeller with reversed blades made in welded sheet steel dynamically balanced, motor support (when present) made in welded sheet steel and steel sections.
- Pt = 110 - 2.800 mm. H2O Q = 600 - 54.000 mc/h
- The fans of these series are equipped with three-phase asynchronous electric motors according to UNEL-MEC standards coupled directly or by transmission to the impeller. They can be built with clockwise (RD) or anticlockwise (LG) rotation and they can be oriented from 45° to 45°. On request single-phase electric motors till size 90 can be supplied.
- For all the fans of these ranges special executions may be possible, like the construction in stainless steel or for high temperatures and the ATEX execution for the zones 1-21 or 2-22.